What People Say

“….the concert was transfiguring in the best possible way. I will never forget this night.”
Veterans Concert Attendee
“…as good as the LA Philharmonic!”
Gaudete Concert Attendee
“You have once again enriched my musical soul while making my heart glad.
Thank you for the amazing peace and artistry of your performances.”
Chara Audience Member
“The most engaging lecture/demonstration I have ever experienced…exquisitely virtuosic.”
The Boston Musical Intelligencer
“All aspects of the retreat surpassed my expectations within 20 minutes of arrival!”
Pyware Retreat Participant
“You taught us more than music.”
DURBAN, South Africa
“Sharing the Magic of Music and Marching”
Canberra, Australia
“Your Presence in this town is greatly appreciated. This kind of cultural and spiritual exchange is more important than economic exchanges.”
Metropolitan Antonie, Sibiu, Romania
“You are the first American group to perform here in fifty years. At this difficult moment of crisis in our country, this choir is a message with a bright ray of hope from America.”
Feim Ibrahimi, Director of Opera Theater, Tirana, Albania
“One of the finest crafted, best blended, and innately musical ensembles with which I have had the pleasure to work.”
Keith Lockhart, Conductor, Boston Pops
“Thank you for your service to our country. Your last ‘alleluia’ tore my heart. We will never forget you.”
Pavel Vychopen, General Secretary of the Ecumenical Council of Churches, Czechoslovakia
“I was proud to be their representative here – the very best of America.”
Mark Palmer, Former US Ambassador to Hungary
“The very best caliber in the country! Excellence should be nurtured!”
Thom Hannum, UMass Amherst Associate Marching Band Director, Carolina Crown Percussion Director, DCI and World Drum Corps Hall of Fame
“One of the most creative and innovative groups we have seen on the East Coast. It is a joy to see the students perform each year and the crowd reaction is second to none.”
Tony DiCarlo, Drum Corps International
“The experience these young performers have playing/performing alongside older performers is life changing. Keep doing what you do for the youth of today, and help mold our future.”
Scott Johnson, Blue Devils Percussion Caption Head
“You have set the bar high, and brought more excitement and the joy of music to those around you than you can ever imagine.”
John Jamison, Director of Dennis-Yarmouth Winter Percussion, Dennis, MA
“Everything they do, from music, to theatrics, to props, is done at the completely highest level possible. They are a model program and an incredible asset to our community.”
AnnMarie Sanfilippo, Spirit Membership Parent